Gifts for Cubans

What are appreciated gifts for Cubans? Update August ’18 Why gifts and for whom? If you want to take some gifts for Cubans with you to thank them or just to make them happy, you should consider a few things: Who do you want to make happy? The owners of you casa particular is not […]

14 things to do in Cuba

Here are 14 of the beaten track things to do in Cuba that make you come home with a different story than your friends: 1 Give people a lift Your car rental company tells you not to, but this is very safe and fun. Don’t take two men or a man alone. Go for couples, […]

Reviews CubaConga

Here are some reviews about CubaConga   We are beginning to reap the benefits of positive reviews. HotelsCheap interviewed me. You can read it here. CubaBookingRoom is also very happy with our book. Cuba-Junky has put us on the front page! Yes, on the bottom of the front page, but still… the front page! We […]

Cuba Alternative Travel guide

Welcome to the alternative travel guide to Cuba. If you want to know which church to visit in Havana or how to get from Havana to Camaguey by bus, we refer you to the Lonely Planet. This guide is an alternative travel guide that will show you the ropes of life as a tourist in […]

Black market

Por la esquerda… (Black market) The Cuban economy operates on a significant scale of informality, comprising approximately 90% of its overall economy. While official channels offer limited goods, the black market serves as a crucial source for acquiring a wide range of products. This dynamic often leads to a misconception among tourists when considering the […]