Inflation in Cuba

Since January 2021, when Cuba abolished the double currency system and switched to the CUP (ordinary Cuban Peso), not only did a double currency system arise, inflation also ignited. In 2021 the official inflation was 67% but those are the official prices and at those prices nothing is for sale at all. The actual money […]

Reasonable budget for Cuba

What is a reasonable budget for Cuba? You can spend all the money you want in Cuba; it is not a cheap destination. It’s not Asia, and you definitely can’t live on 5 $ per day. We’ll explore a reasonable budget here. But before you go into determining your budget, you have to understand how […]

Double currency hoax

There is a lot of confusion about currency and money in Cuba. Last update January 2022 A lot changed since Cuba abolished the CUC. But before we dive into that some history: A lot of people think, and a lot of websites claim that Tourists have to use CUC (Convertible Currency) and Cubans use MN […]

Cuba Peso

Two Peso in Cuba The currency in Cuba is called Peso. Both of them are called Peso. So if people say Peso, then they are talking about CUC or Moneda Nacional (MN). Up to you to figure it out. CUC Peso The CUC is the Cuban ‘hard currency’, pegged roughly 1-1, to the US dollar. […]