Gifts for Cubans

What are appreciated gifts for Cubans? Update August ’18 Why gifts and for whom? If you want to take some gifts for Cubans with you to thank them or just to make them happy, you should consider a few things: Who do you want to make happy? The owners of you casa particular is not […]

Wi-Fi in Cuba

I published this post in 2014 It’s history now… for the latest on Wi-Fi and the Internet in Cuba click on the link. Internet and Wi-Fi in Cuba. Cuba is slowly opening up to the Internet. Penetration in the Cuban homes is about 0,5%, and most of those connections are illegal, very slow and expensive. […]

14 things to do in Cuba

Here are 14 of the beaten track things to do in Cuba that make you come home with a different story than your friends: 1 Give people a lift Your car rental company tells you not to, but this is very safe and fun. Don’t take two men or a man alone. Go for couples, […]

Not just another book about Cuba

CubaConga is not ‘Just another book’ about Cuba. Let us introduce ourselves to you: About the Author(s) Just like everything else in this book I am/we are just a fantasy. You could refer to us as “your very knowledgeable friends from Cuba). Any resemblance to real author(s) is a mistake, a big mistake. A very […]

10 things about Cuba

Here are 10 things about Cuba your travel agent hides but you should know 1 Moneda Nacional. Everybody, including you as a tourist, is allowed to pay for stuff in Pesos. CUC is not tourist money, it is the Cuban equivalent of hard currency. You can buy Moneda Nacional at the Cadeca where you go […]

Reviews CubaConga

Here are some reviews about CubaConga   We are beginning to reap the benefits of positive reviews. HotelsCheap interviewed me. You can read it here. CubaBookingRoom is also very happy with our book. Cuba-Junky has put us on the front page! Yes, on the bottom of the front page, but still… the front page! We […]

How much Money to Cuba?

Bring cash to Cuba Cuba is one of the last economies in the world where there is a cash only economy. So how much money do you need to take to Cuba? Of course, this depends on your life style. How much does a car cost? Except in some hotels, plastic money is useless. To […]

Cuba Map

A different map for Cuba Going to Cuba? Looking for a map? This is the best map we know and an offline version for your phone can be downloaded here: Here’s an entirely different Cuba map for you. It is a book called CubaConga. This is the map of the mentality in Cuba. We […]

Cuba Customs

Cuba customs Passing Cuban customs Your first introduction to Cuba is the long waiting line at customs.  A whole battery of austere looking custom officials checks every passenger thoroughly.  Until he or she is satisfied the gray door to Cuba remains locked.  You have to take your glasses off, put them back on and take […]

Travel Cuba

Find out how to travel Cuba If you are exploring how to discover Cuba, you’ve come to the right place. It is an excellent question to ask. This site (and the book that goes with it) will enhance the quality while reducing your budget of your trip to Cuba. We have a different perspective on […]