Cuba Wi-Fi. The manual.

Last update 01/20 How to use Wi-Fi in Cuba In 2015 Cuba started rolling out Wi-Fi zones. They are still at it, and every city has at least one. Simple Wi-Fi access The principle is simple. You find yourself a Wi-Fi zone by looking at the people. If they are browsing or talking with their […]

Cuba safety and dangers

Cuba is known for her safety and lack of dangers Cuba is very, very safe. Incredible safety! We can be very short about that. If you don’t do idiotic things, you will be safe. In Cuba, the police are very respected and not always visible (a lot of undercover agents keeping you safe.) Nobody will […]

Cuba Peso

Two Peso in Cuba The currency in Cuba is called Peso. Both of them are called Peso. So if people say Peso, then they are talking about CUC or Moneda Nacional (MN). Up to you to figure it out. CUC Peso The CUC is the Cuban ‘hard currency’, pegged roughly 1-1, to the US dollar. […]

How to book a Casa Particular in Cuba

Last update 02/2020 Do Book a Casa Particular! The best way to discover Cuba is book a Casa Particular. Sometimes this is confused with ‘staying at the home of real Cubans’ but you have to realize that most Casa owners are the elite Cubans because they have access to hard currency. The ‘real’ Cubans would […]

Gifts for Cubans

What are appreciated gifts for Cubans? Update August ’18 Why gifts and for whom? If you want to take some gifts for Cubans with you to thank them or just to make them happy, you should consider a few things: Who do you want to make happy? The owners of you casa particular is not […]

Not just another book about Cuba

CubaConga is not ‘Just another book’ about Cuba. Let us introduce ourselves to you: About the Author(s) Just like everything else in this book I am/we are just a fantasy. You could refer to us as “your very knowledgeable friends from Cuba). Any resemblance to real author(s) is a mistake, a big mistake. A very […]

10 things about Cuba

Here are 10 things about Cuba your travel agent hides but you should know 1 Moneda Nacional. Everybody, including you as a tourist, is allowed to pay for stuff in Pesos. CUC is not tourist money, it is the Cuban equivalent of hard currency. You can buy Moneda Nacional at the Cadeca where you go […]

Reviews CubaConga

Here are some reviews about CubaConga   We are beginning to reap the benefits of positive reviews. HotelsCheap interviewed me. You can read it here. CubaBookingRoom is also very happy with our book. Cuba-Junky has put us on the front page! Yes, on the bottom of the front page, but still… the front page! We […]

How much Money to Cuba?

Bring cash to Cuba Cuba is one of the last economies in the world where there is a cash only economy. So how much money do you need to take to Cuba? Of course, this depends on your life style. How much does a car cost? Except in some hotels, plastic money is useless. To […]

Cuba Alternative Travel guide

Welcome to the alternative travel guide to Cuba. If you want to know which church to visit in Havana or how to get from Havana to Camaguey by bus, we refer you to the Lonely Planet. This guide is an alternative travel guide that will show you the ropes of life as a tourist in […]