Cuba Customs

Cuba customs Passing Cuban customs Your first introduction to Cuba is the long waiting line at customs.  A whole battery of austere looking custom officials checks every passenger thoroughly.  Until he or she is satisfied the gray door to Cuba remains locked.  You have to take your glasses off, put them back on and take […]

Casa Particular Cuba

Casa Particular in Cuba A casa particular is the official Bed and Breakfast in Cuba. They are often referred to as ‘sleeping in the houses of real Cubans’. This is a euphemism. Most owners of the Casas are social upper-class, party members and relatively rich. The real Cuban cleans and cooks at your Casa Particular […]

Black market

Por la esquerda… (Black market) The Cuban economy operates on a significant scale of informality, comprising approximately 90% of its overall economy. While official channels offer limited goods, the black market serves as a crucial source for acquiring a wide range of products. This dynamic often leads to a misconception among tourists when considering the […]