14 things to do in Cuba

Here are 14 of the beaten track things to do in Cuba that make you come home with a different story than your friends: 1 Give people a lift Your car rental company tells you not to, but this is very safe and fun. Don’t take two men or a man alone. Go for couples, […]

Cuba Map

A different map for Cuba Going to Cuba? Looking for a map? This is the best map we know and an offline version for your phone can be downloaded here: https://maps.me/ Here’s an entirely different Cuba map for you. It is a book called CubaConga. This is the map of the mentality in Cuba. We […]

Black market

Por la esquerda… (Black market) The Cuban economy operates on a significant scale of informality, comprising approximately 90% of its overall economy. While official channels offer limited goods, the black market serves as a crucial source for acquiring a wide range of products. This dynamic often leads to a misconception among tourists when considering the […]